Home » 100+ IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas For Your Ease

100+ IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas For Your Ease

International Baccalaureate has been an educational foundation for over a hundred years. It was established in 1968. Since then, it has provided a wide range of educational programs for 1.4 billion IB students worldwide. Extended essays are an important requirement for IB diplomas. This helps increase the overall score. This is where students run into problems. These guidelines can assist with ideas for extended essays.

First and foremost, you need to have an idea. People can work hard if they have the right idea. This is true for IA and EE as well. A good extended essay requires a topic that is right. The chances of your extended essay failing are much greater if the topic is not chosen correctly.

After you have chosen the topic, you can gather more information about it. The prompt you are working with should be something you are well-acquainted with. The topic should not only be interesting to you, but also your knowledge. Only then, you can really excel at this topic.

IB Extended essay Layout

The essay layout consists of six main elements. The title is the first section. Here is the title page. This section should also include the word count. Next comes the content page. This page is located at the end. It also contains all headings as well as the page numbers.

The introduction is next. This is where the research’s scope and focus are defined. This section also contains the details of the research and the arguments that will be used. The body is the next part of an essay. This is where research and analysis are performed. The student’s evaluation is also here. Here, he or she should express his/her opinion. Here, the argument must be presented in a cohesive manner. It is important that the order of things be correct.

Please see the article describing how long it takes IB EE writers to complete. Remember that extended essays should not exceed 4000 words. This is approximately 14-15 pages.

The conclusion is next. Here is the conclusion. This section highlights any limitations or unresolved issues. The bibliography will be included at the end. Once the student has selected the academic style to use for references, they are then formatted in the right order.

The appendix and methodology are two other sections that you can add to your essay. The appendix contains additional material. This section describes how this information was obtained. No abstract is required according to the most recent requirements.

IB Extended essay Topics

Are you ready to find great EE topics? These ideas will help you get inspiration for your IB extended essays topic.

Let’s start by introducing some topic ideas you might be interested in.

Ideas for general topics in EE
– How important is culture in shaping society’s norms?
– What can we do to change our way of thinking and responding to different situations.
How do we go from being victims to becoming fighters?
What are the characteristics of great leaders?
– What role do leaders play in today’s world shaping?
What are the factors that make good parenting possible?
What factors affect the society’s knowledge value?
How can knowledge help us become better people?
How can our thinking influence how we see others?
– How does patriarchy affect women’s rights?
– Which countries are currently experiencing the highest living standards?
How can we smoothen our career progression?
Effective relationships are possible only if you know the keys to success.
– What is the role of open communication in our daily lives?
– How do we listen better?
– How can you motivate yourself to do more and be better?
Managers can create synergy among work groups.
– What role does trust play in team building?
– What science underlies habit building?
– How does Spirituality impact our relationship to each other?

As we discussed previously, there are specific topics that could be used for comparison essays. I will concentrate on general IB studies.

Group 1 – Studies in Literature and Language. Topics
– What factors affect particular political campaigns?
– How effective has language been in feminist protests?
Media and female beauty: How have they shaped our perceptions?
– What is American English like British English?
How do the roles of the female and male genders in Macbeth’s novel play out?
– How is the portrayal of gender roles in The Great Gatsby novel?
– What is Shakespeare’s writing style different from other writers?
– What is William Wordsworth’s relationship to words?
– How much English is borrowed from different languages?
How has English literature depicted women over the years?

Group 2: Language acquisition, including classical languages Essay Topics
Mandarin’s meaning is rich
– How important is innovative technology in learning new languages?
– What are the new methods of teaching being used at different levels of education?
How can a high school student write a modern foreign-language essay?
– What can we do to make teaching styles different when dealing with non-native students?
– How can education be made more accessible to non-native students?
– How can we make the classroom more welcoming to non-native students?
– What can you teach foreign language classes using different methods?
What modern methods are used to teach Mandarin in universities?
What is the importance of learning foreign languages?

Group 3: Essay Topics for Individuals and Societies
– How has the society’s role changed for women?
– How does mainstream culture reflect patriarchy
– What can women and why do they need to be socially mobile?
– What effect does sex play on our ability and willingness to work hard?
– How can society overcome inequalities?
– How can corruption be overcome in society?
– How have modern societies been affected by criminality?
– What is society doing to ensure sustainable development?
How did bullying become part of our culture in schools?
What can you do to combat corruption in the society?

Group 4: Science Essay Topics
– Can climate change affect plant X’s growth?
Climate change and plant growth: What impact does it have?
– Do iron intake diets differ in different countries?
How does brushing teeth affect pH?
Can the caffeine content of coffee be decreased?
Can the caffeine content of tea be decreased?
What factors affect the iodine content of cooking oils?
– How does temperature affect Coke’s viscosity?
– What is the role of antioxidants in our bodies and health?
– How does climate change affect photosynthesis?

Group 5: Mathematics Essay Topics
– What mathematical equations can be used to navigate stars?
Geometry plays a role in navigation of stars.
– What are the uses of exponential functions in physics?
– How do exponential functions work in geology
– What are the uses of exponential functions in anthropology
– How is the use of exponential functions in demography explained?
– How does Pythagoras’s Theorem work in real-world situations
– How can the Pythagoras theorem benefit the construction industry?
– How does the exponential function work in growth and age?
– What is the Archimedes method of calculating circular areas?

Group 6 is The Arts Essay Topics
– How can technology be used to create different art forms?
– What are some of the artistic styles used in modern art?
– What does Picasso’s art style say about him
How can political cartoons represent certain ideologies?
– What role is globalization playing in contemporary art today?
How to analyse abstract paintings?
– Does the paintings say a lot about the painter?
– What is the difference between modern and traditional art?
Art can reflect an individual’s ideology.
– How does contemporary art reflect activism?

Group 7: Interdisciplinary Essay Subjects
How can languages that are dead be revived?
– How does anthropology help us to understand different languages?
– How did our society evolve over time in order to be more progressive
– How deeply rooted in society is masculinity?
– How important are gender roles in shaping society?
– How can science explain class differences?
– Can there be a relation between human and animal language?
– How does bilingualism impact our understanding of the world?
How do we learn live languages?
– What role can the government play in reducing social burden?

Group 8: Issues in History to Write About
– How can historians make their data more authentic?
– Was Hitler’s method of doing things very effective?
How did Germany transform during Hitler’s time?
How can historical information be verified as reliable?
– What is the reason for modern world dominance?
– What can ancient human settlements reveal about the lives of people who lived at a time before our own?
– Who was Mao Zedong’s ruler?
– How was the subcontinent partitioned?
– Should we trust more than just one source for historical data?
How do we know if historical sources are biased?

Decide wisely on the topic of your IB Extended Topic

If you’re enrolled in an IB school, I wish that you have success with your IB EE. Writing an extended essay that is effective requires passion.

You almost forgot, don’t hesitate in contacting our team, if needed, for any type of assistance by IB writers.


  • laynesalazar

    I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.



I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.

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