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The Life And Significant Accomplishments Of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of Declaration of Independence, was conceived in Shadwell Virginia, on April 13, 1743. Many things he accomplished in his lifetime would alter America’s shape. Jefferson held several government titles, including the first secretary-of-state (1789-94), second vice president (1797-1801), and third president (1801-19).

Jefferson was the son of a prominent family from Virginia’s planter class. His mother, an English and Scottish princess, was his father, a farmer, surveyor, cartographer, and successful landowner. Jefferson was third among his 10 siblings. Jefferson started school at an early age. In 1760, he attended Williamsburg College of William and Mary. After 3 years Jefferson decided that he would study Law. 5 years later, he is one of America’s most respected lawyers. He married Martha Wayles Skelton in 1772. She is one of Virginia’s most well-off women. They had 6 children yet only 2 of them lived to adulthood.Jefferson’s political life began after the French and Indian War (1763) which left Great Britain in financial difficulties. Britain increased taxes on colonies in the United States to raise funds. The tax on paper and goods upset colonists and led to the American Revolution. Jefferson became a loyal supporter of the revolution against Great Britain. In 1768, Jefferson was elected to Virginia House Of Burgesses. There he joined the group of Patrick Henry and George Washington. Jefferson was present at 1775’s Second Continental Congress. This was where the Continental Army was established. Washington was then appointed commander in chief. Jefferson was given the most important work by Congress.

Congress appointed 5 individuals to draft the Declaration Of Independence. Jefferson was given the task by the group to draft the declaration’s initial draft. The Declaration Of Independence was created in just 17 days. This document is one of America’s most important historical documents. He also included the rights and ending of King George III’s control over American colonies. His first draft was rejected by multiple revisions. But his famous words remained: “We hold this truth to be self-evident. That all men have been created equal. That their Creator has granted them certain unalienable Human Rights. These include the pursuit of happiness, liberty, and life.”

Jefferson made the Declaration of Independence a masterpiece by putting together the Declaration of Independence with such precision. This was a major change in the American Revolution’s importance. He persuaded James Madison to create the Bill of Rights. Jefferson quickly obtained the Louisiana Territory, which Napoleon had given him, and he arranged for the Lewis and Clark Expedition to meet it. Jefferson then opened up the American West to ensure that it would become part of an equally equitable Union and not a European country. Jefferson supported Jefferson’s position that the arrangement wasn’t to restrict democracy. However, the Federalist Party insisted that the poor shouldn’t vote since they were often ignorant. Jefferson also believed that it wasn’t to limit the democratic establishment… however, the majority of the government-funded training will allow them to pursue writing and would be able to compose. Jefferson convinced many people to adopt this view. Through extensive state-funded training, the USA became the primary nation to offer such training. This revolutionized American culture and gave the USA more social flexibility than any other country.

After signing the Declaration Of Independence, Jefferson returned to Virginia and served for three years as a member in good standing of the Virginia House Of Delegates. He declared freedom to religion in 1777. But it wasn’t a Virginia state law until nine years later. It remains one his greatest achievements.

Thomas Jefferson was, in conclusion, one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers. He was both a scholar and a polymath. He was an important figure in Virginia’s legislative issues. He was also an essential supporter of independence from Britain. America received a huge amount of land from Napoleon during his presidency, which significantly increased its land area.


  • laynesalazar

    I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.



I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.

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