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The Importance To Educate Or Train Leaders Army

The purpose of this essay was to highlight the importance of the Army’s ability to educate and train leaders for future challenges. It is important to have both the right education and the right training in order to be a balanced leader for Army. Leaders need to be able to transfer past knowledge and improve their understanding of a variety of subjects to become proficient in their task. Education improves understanding and practical skills for both on and off-the battlefield. Both education as well as training are essential to becoming a balanced leader.

A leader’s ability to perform the tasks given to him or her is crucial. This training should be based on past experiences. Leaders who lack this level will struggle to perform their job. An Army leader must be able to accomplish basic tasks. A recent article by Lt. General Peggee discusses training. Lt.-Gen. Peggee explained the importance of training and consistent practice in order to accomplish missions. The Army’s main priority is to practice and train constantly. No matter their rank or level, soldiers must be ready and able to complete the mission. Leaders must be prepared to fulfill their responsibility to be effective leaders, regardless of the mission. Training goes beyond the realm of developing and training. Training can also include learning how to perform the task more effectively than what you have done in the past. These environments are most popular for superior ranking, or more experienced Soldiers. Superior ranking Soldiers share knowledge that junior Soldiers can use and learn from. This knowledge allows them to become better leaders. Education is essential to be a leader. It helps you understand many different situations. Morgan-Owen was a War on the Rocks reporter and recently wrote an article highlighting the importance education has for the Army’s future operations. Morgan-Owen then explains how education is essential to overcome unknown cultural and technological factors. Leaders should not be faced with uncertainties when attempting to combat large-scale situations or combat. Otherwise, they could fail their mission. Education is the best way to combat uncertainties. An education that is broad and comprehensive can help reduce the unknowns leaders face throughout their careers. Uncertainty is key to a successful mission.

Army leaders will be prepared for any challenge by combining education with training. As the Army’s greatest asset, Soldiers must be well-educated. Lloyd J. Austin III was recently quoted as saying that the most crucial assets for military missions are not tanks, helicopters, or weapons. The Army’s greatest asset is actually its Soldiers. To be at its best, the Army requires their most valuable asset. This goal requires Soldiers to be skilled in all areas, including education and training. Combining education and training can help you excel and make your skills even more powerful. A Soldier with a solid education and training will be able to use the most useful information. Education will give you wisdom and understanding that’s not possible in a classroom setting. The Soldier can use the knowledge and experience gained through training to improve their performance. Soldiers are exposed to more conflicts, which will require greater wisdom. Soldiers can return to education for more of this knowledge. This constant loop is helpful in preparing for any conflicts that may be faced by leaders.

The Army requires capable leaders who have a solid education and are well-trained in training and education. Because of the experience and knowledge gained from past experiences, training is essential. Education is important because of the breadth and depth of its knowledge. Training and education are essential for leaders to become the best. The Army’s greatest tool is its people. Great leaders must be willing to do anything to improve themselves and the Soldiers that follow them. It’s not only for their benefit but for those of their Soldiers who are serving the mission.

Works cited

Morgan-Owen (2018) reported that … Approaching a Fork in Road: Military Education. Retrieved from War on the Rocks: https://warontherocks.com/2018/07/approaching-a-fork-in-the-road-professional-education-and-military-learning/Piggee, L. G. (2017, February 28). The next generation in Army training. Retrieved by U.S. Army

https://www.army.mil/article/182946/the_next_evolution_of_army_trainingVergun, D. (2012, October 24). Austin declares that the Soldier Army is their greatest asset. Retrieved from Army.mil: https://www.army.mil/article/89816/austin_says_soldiers_armys_greatest_asset


  • laynesalazar

    I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.



I'm Layne Salazar, a 31-year-old education blogger and teacher. I love sharing insights and ideas on how to improve student learning, and I'm passionate about helping educators reach their full potential.

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